Master of Music (free-lance singer)
Voice, focus on free-lance singing (Master of Music)
Regulatory period of study 4 semesters
Degree Master of Music
Study focus artistic-pedagogical, pedagogical-scientific
The University of Music, Drama and Media has been providing in-depth training for highly qualified singers and vocal pedagogues in a freelance capacity since the establishment of the Master's degree program in Master of Voice.
This claim required from the HMTMH an initial and innovative structure of the training field of solo and ensemble singing as well as vocal pedagogy and vocal science, especially since even in the international training field a training offer as intensive and wide-ranging as here does not seem to be represented.
In comparison to other European countries, the study program therefore still enjoys an exceptional position and guarantees the highest quality of training. Thus the course of studies reacted since its existence to the existing lack of specialists with at the same time artistic-pedagogical and/or artistic-scientific specialization in the occupation field, in particular on the freelance and/or the ever further diversifying job market.
The program is designed as a two-year master's program leading to the degree of Master of Music (M. Mus.). The curriculum is designed to further develop students' artistic and pedagogical potential and to deepen their capacity for scholarly reflection.
The special profile of the program, compared to similar programs of study at domestic and foreign music conservatories and universities, lies in the comprehensive training in singing, in terms of stylistically diverse emphases on the one hand and competence development in vocal pedagogy and voice science on the other.
The latter is to be learned both by self-diagnostic recognition and at the voice-diagnostic grasp of the counterpart. From this, both basic and individual resources for the singer*s training are to be opened up, as well as methodical-didactic correction-relevant measures are to be learned.
Through the emphasis on different branches of the study program into an artistic-pedagogical and a pedagogical-scientific branch, multiple specified professional profiles can be aimed for.
The aim of the double-tracked study profile with an artistic-pedagogical focus is to generate outstanding singers and pedagogues who are specialists in the fields of early music, new music, lied, oratorio, ensemble singing including their pedagogical mediation, as well as vocal pedagogy per se, and who will be multiperspectively active on the international market. With individually chosen specialization, the graduates* should act as performers in concert life and mediators in music and music academia.
This degree program is therefore equipped with an expanded range of artistic subjects such as performing subjects, stylistic subjects, and repertoire development. Because the program emphasizes the complexity of all music with classical singing, graduates enter artistic-educational professions with specialized knowledge and skills that ensure a high level of employability.
The program is also double-tracked with a double-major in music.
The goal of the program, which is also double-tracked and has a pedagogical-scientific focus, is to generate more scientifically oriented vocal pedagogues and singers.
Here the increased scientific study parts are justified, as well as a scientific master thesis at the end of the study.
On the basis of pedagogical case studies, didactic and methodological analyses are carried out by direct teaching, especially since the Corona crisis also e-learning, blended learning and project-based direct teaching, on the basis of which innovative learning concepts are derived, which have already proven themselves in practice or are still to prove themselves. A special area is formed in the field of voice science, which is characterized by a great depth of detail through existing methodological-didactic analysis, simulation and planning tools.
The target group is graduates of artistic bachelor's or diploma programs with vocal content who would like to deepen and expand their previous undergraduate education. Meanwhile, international students are increasingly represented in the course, as both the repertoire and stylistic diversity of the German-language vocal literature as well as the international vocal repertoire are represented in the course.
There is also an increased interest among opera singers, concert singers and church musicians who have recognized a pedagogical deficit in their previous training and want to further their education accordingly in order to be prepared for the professional market as voice teacher.
Last modified: 2023-06-03
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